IPA Canada
Section Canada was founded in 1960 by Rev. Charles Wright who was a serving police officer in London, Ontario. Charles Wright had joined the London Metropolitan Police after a distinguished career with the Royal Air Force. It was at this time he became one of the early members of IPA. The Canadian Section has now grown to include 15 Regions across Canada.
Charles Wright was also responsible for assisting with the formation of the United States Section on February 26, 1962 in Toledo, Ohio, totaling 30 members and the Section was officially recognized in Geneva Switzerland at the IEC on June 1962.
The purpose of our organization is strictly cultural, social and recreational. At no time does the Association take part in any matter of departmental policy, discipline or unionism.

The IPA creates an opportunity for cultural exchange and contacts on a local, national and international level. The IPA is a tremendous organization for members and their families who wish to travel anywhere in the world.
The IPA also offers education scholarships, writing and photography competitions. The annual International Youth Gathering is an excellent opportunity for your son, daughter and grandchildren to meet with other young people in a well controlled and chaperoned environment. Who better to ensure the safety of young people but other Law Enforcement officers.
IPA International
The Association was formed because a police sergeant from Lincolnshire, England, Arthur Troop, wanted to create a channel for friendship and international co-operation amongst police officers.
On 19th June 1936 Arthur joined the Lincolnshire Police where he performed duties in various departments but specialized in traffic. Shortly after the Second World War, Arthur set about the enormous task of founding a World Friendship Organisation for police officers. He had always had a great faith in people talking to each other, rather than fighting and always believed in the positive qualities of friendship. At that time, however, he was regarded as an eccentric and experienced considerable opposition from his Police Chief and the Home Office.​ In the years 1948-49 contact was made with police friends at home and abroad. In 1949 an article was published in the British Police Review under the pseudonym of ‘Aytee’.

​Following an amazing response, Arthur was convinced he should proceed. The IPA was founded on 1st January 1950 under the Esperanto motto Servo per Amikeco (Service Through Friendship) and Arthur Troop became the first Secretary General of the British Section. His notion of an Association with development of social, cultural and professional links amongst its members, in an environment free from discrimination of rank, sex, colour, language or religion, became a reality. With the help of early pioneers he worked untiringly to encourage the founding of other national Sections. From small beginnings the IPA message quickly took hold and the formation of new Sections throughout the World became rapid. Soon there were sections in the majority of Western Europe, Africa, America (north and south), Asia and Australasia. In 1955, at the first International Executive Committee meeting in Paris, he became the first International Secretary General, a post he held until he stood down in 1966 for personal reasons.